The #1 Rule Of Housekeeping – Inspect What You Expect

I recently went to a training about leadership and rooms operations, and one of the facilitators stated that if we want our teams to be effective and successful that we need to ‘inspect what we expect’.

Just expecting the rooms in your hotel to be perfectly clean without inspecting them on a daily basis is just not going to work… and this is not only true for housekeeping, but for leadership in general, setting expectations without following up on them is not going to get you anywhere.

You need to inspect what you expect! If you expect your room attendants to dust on top of the headboard and behind the television, you need to inspect them actually cleaning it and give them feedback – regardless if positive or constructive feedback. Just talking about the importance of dusting at your line-ups in the morning and in the afternoon may give you the feeling that you did something about it, but chances are that no more than 10 % of your employees are going do something with this information.

As a housekeeping manager, no matter how busy your schedule might look like and no matter how busy you think you are, you need to spend a couple of hours on the floor every day to be most effective… and trust me you cannot afford to skip this!

How many times are you managers venting their frustration to you about the performance of their employees and how they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing, and even after they have told them so many times what their expectations are. It really doesn’t matter how great your employees are, everyone needs to be inspected from time to time and be given feedback. Everyone has an opportunity to learn and grow more, even your best employees do.

Inspecting what you expect is really all about giving feedback and helping your teams to grow and reach their potential.

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