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The power of imperfection: How to be a great leader and still have bad days

Leadership in the hotel industry is a dynamic and challenging role, one that requires a balance of strength and vulnerability. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that leaders must always be in control, confident and unshakable, but the truth is that leaders are human too and they have bad days, just like anyone else. As a leader in the hotel industry, I have learned that it is important to be transparent and honest with my team, and to not be afraid to show my vulnerability.

One of the key responsibilities of a leader is to support and empower their associates. This means being available to listen and offer guidance, being willing to admit to their mistakes and actively working to create opportunities for personal and professional growth. A leader who supports and empowers their team members, creates a culture of trust and respect, which in turn allows for better communication and collaboration.

For example, early on in my career, I made a decision that ended up having a negative impact on my team’s performance. I was eager to prove myself and make a positive impact, so I implemented a new system for scheduling shifts without consulting all team members or getting their input. The system was confusing and difficult to use, and it led to a lot of mistakes and confusion among my team members.

Being a new manager, I was not aware of the consequences of my actions, and I quickly realized the negative impact of my decision. I immediately apologized to my team for my mistake, and acknowledged that my decision had affected their performance negatively. I took the time to listen to their feedback and to understand their perspective on the situation.

I then worked together with my team to develop a plan to improve the situation. We made changes to the scheduling system and provided additional training to my team members, to ensure that they were better equipped to use the new system.

I also recognized that my lack of consultation and lack of understanding of my team members perspective led to this poor decision, and I made sure to involve them more in decision-making processes and to better understand their perspective, so that I could make better decisions in the future.

From this experience, I learned that as a new manager, it’s important to involve my team members in decision-making processes and to understand their perspective on a situation before making a decision that affects them. I also learned that it’s important to take responsibility for my mistakes and to work with my team to find solutions to problems that arise from my decisions.

Being a leader also means being able to cope with stress and uncertainty. This means taking care of one’s well-being and being able to manage one’s time and energy effectively. A leader who takes care of themselves is better equipped to take care of their team and to lead by example.

It’s also important for leaders to lead by example and to be role models for ethical and responsible behavior. This means being transparent, accountable and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability. This not only helps to create a positive work environment but also helps to establish trust and respect with stakeholders.

In conclusion, being a leader in the hotel industry is a challenging role, and it is important for leaders to have a balance of strength and vulnerability. Being allowed to not be perfect means that leaders can support and empower their associates, create opportunities for personal and professional growth, take care of their own mental and emotional well-being, and lead by example.


  • Leadership is dynamic and challenging, and it is important for leaders to have a balance of strength and vulnerability.
  • Leaders are human, and it’s okay for them to show it
  • Leaders should support and empower their associates, create opportunities for personal and professional growth
  • Leaders should take care of their own mental and emotional well-being.
  • Leaders should lead by example, being transparent, accountable and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

Why Setting Goals is the Best Thing Ever

It’s a new year, and you know what that means – it’s time to set some goals! Goal setting might seem like a drag, but trust me, it’s actually super exciting (and totally worth it). When you set goals, you’re basically creating a roadmap for your life. You get to decide where you want to go and what you want to achieve, and then you get to work towards making it happen. How cool is that?

But setting goals isn’t just about dreaming big. It’s also about being smart about it. That’s why you’ve probably heard of SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These are the five key elements of any good goal, and they help you turn your big dreams into a concrete plan of action.

So, what kind of goals should you set? That’s totally up to you! You can set personal goals, professional goals, short-term goals, long-term goals, or a mix of all of the above. The important thing is that your goals are meaningful to you and align with your values and priorities.

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to get to work. That’s where the real fun begins! Sure, there will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but that’s all part of the journey. When you overcome those challenges and achieve your goals, it’s a feeling like no other. So don’t be afraid to celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way. Whether it’s something as simple as treating yourself to a small reward or sharing your progress with a friend or colleague, it’s important to recognize and appreciate the progress you’re making.

Goal setting isn’t just important for individuals, it’s also crucial for leaders and teams. When everyone on a team has a clear understanding of their goals and how they contribute to the overall goals of the organization, it can improve teamwork, communication, and productivity. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to be part of a successful team?

So, as the new year begins, take some time to think about what you want to achieve in the coming year. And don’t be afraid to dream big! Setting goals is the first step towards making your dreams a reality. And remember, it’s not just about achieving your goals – it’s about enjoying the journey and celebrating your progress along the way.