Tag Archives: service

The Power of Teamwork in the Hotel Industry

When it comes to providing exceptional service to guests, the hotel industry relies on the power of teamwork. From the moment a guest books their stay to the moment they check out, the staff at a hotel plays a crucial role in ensuring that their experience is memorable. And while individual employees may have their own areas of expertise, it’s the collaborative efforts of a team that truly make a hotel run like a well-oiled machine.

But why is teamwork so important in the hotel industry? Here are a few reasons:

  • Improved guest experience: When employees work together as a team, they are able to provide a better guest experience. I’ve seen firsthand how a team of front desk employees who communicate effectively and work together to resolve guest issues results in happy guests who are more likely to return to the hotel.
  • Increased productivity: When employees work together as a team, they are able to accomplish more than they would individually.
  • Better problem-solving: Teams are able to come up with more creative solutions to problems than individuals. When employees from different departments worked together to solve a difficult guest complaint, they came up with an innovative solution that not only satisfied the guest but also improved our hotel’s overall service.
  • Enhanced employee morale: When employees feel like they are part of a team and their contributions are valued, they are more motivated and satisfied with their job. When employees feel that they are part of a team and are recognized for their hard work, they are more motivated to continue to provide excellent service to our guests.
  • Cost savings: Teams can work together to identify areas where cost savings can be made.

So, how can hotel management foster a culture of teamwork within their organization? Here are a few tips:

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Make sure each team member knows their role and what is expected of them. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Encourage open communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback. This helps to build trust and fosters a sense of collaboration.
  • Lead by example: Hotel management should model the behavior they expect from their team members and foster a positive work environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration.
  • Recognize and reward teamwork: Recognize and reward team members for their contributions to the team’s success. This helps to build a sense of pride and ownership among team members, which can lead to increased motivation and productivity.
  • Provide opportunities for training and development: Invest in your team members by providing them with opportunities for training and development. This helps to build a skilled and motivated team that is better equipped to work together effectively.
  • Celebrate successes: Take the time to celebrate the team’s successes, big or small. This helps to build a sense of camaraderie and promotes a positive work environment.
  • Encourage feedback and suggestions: Encourage team members to give feedback and suggestions on how to improve teamwork. And act on that feedback, this can help identify and solve issues that might be hindering teamwork.

In conclusion, teamwork is essential for the smooth operation and success of any hotel. By fostering open communication, a positive work environment, and opportunities for team-building, hotel management can create a culture of collaboration that benefits both the hotel and its guests.

Why It’s Better To Ask For Forgiveness Than For Permission

The value of acting promptly and making a mistake requiring forgiveness is greater than the value of delaying to get permission! Let me explain you why… Most companies fail to deliver excellent customer service because their employees are not empowered to make the right decisions the moment it counts most to make the customer happy. They need to check with their managers first delaying any helpful response, and making it frustrating for the customer to do business with you. Empower your employees to make the customer happy the fast and uncomplicated way. Your customers have a choice to do business with you, or the competition across the street. Screen shot 2013-12-08 at 6.31.07 PMIf it’s the right thing to do and in the best interest of the customer, your company and colleagues, go ahead and do it. You’re not going to be 100% right all the time, but we’re working in the service industry and are not performing heart surgery, so trust me most mistakes can be sorted out later. We need to go back to the roots and focus all of our energy and efforts on making the customer happy. This is the only way to differentiate ourselves from the competition and ensure that we stay relevant. Continue reading Why It’s Better To Ask For Forgiveness Than For Permission

Why Butler Service is a Must for any Luxury Hotel

If you believe that the needs and wants of affluent guests shift from searching for expensive amenities such as sumptuous flower bouquets when traveling to collecting rare and refined experiences, you need to ask yourself how and who can help you provide those experiences and create those lasting impressions.

Most of your front-line employees are probably too busy doing what they are supposed to be doing primarily, front desk agents are checking guests in, room attendants are cleaning guest rooms, waiters are serving, and the list goes on. Every one is trying to provide a superb service and make your guests happy along the way, but the leaner your organization is structured the more challenging it gets. It doesn’t help you to shoot one guest to the moon with your excellent service, if nine other guests are waiting in line behind to get checked in. Having one position in your hotel only focused on designing the guest experience on property while being the main contact for the guest is the only way to live up to your promise to deliver service that’s second to none.


Continue reading Why Butler Service is a Must for any Luxury Hotel

How to handle guest complaints

Guest complaints are common, not just in hospitality, and the more comfortable you get dealing with them, the better for you and your customers! Unfortunately practice itself does not always make perfect, only perfect practice does. So while everyone working in a hotel in any guest related position is confronted with tons of complains during their career, not everyone masters the skill of dealing with them effectively.


Four Rooms

So how do you handle complaints and a guest who had a bad experience? Continue reading How to handle guest complaints

How to deliver excellent service

To deliver excellent service, it is not enough to understand how to do it and to have the skills to do so, you need to experience it first.

Working in hotel operations every day we often tend to forget what it means to really empathize with your guests and to put yourself in your guests’ shoes. Everyone knows or has been told a million times that you are supposed to use the guest name at least twice in every guest interaction, if possible, and yet at every hotel I ever worked in, we would always struggle to consistently deliver on this promise. Why is it possible that something as simple as using the guest name can yet be so difficult to do consistently across the hotel at every turn? Continue reading How to deliver excellent service