I still remember working over twelve hours a day and 80 hours a week only a couple of years ago to achieve much less that I can accomplish now in less than 3/4 of the time. While I certainly learned to work smarter and be more effective with the growing experience, I do not believe that my IQ changed since then making this huge improvement possible. So what happened?
How to be successful in the hotel industry and move ahead of the competition? It’s a people’s business, and everything comes down to one person respecting and being able to communicate to another, it’s that simple!
Image courtesy of Samuiblue at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
While a Bachelor’s or even Master’s degree became a basic requirement for most management positions in hospitality, it doesn’t matter much from that point on in your career how smart you are, if you’re not able to communicate with other people and get them wanting to follow your lead. So what do you think is more important, your intelligence quotient or your emotional (EQ) and moral intelligence (MQ)? I am telling you that ‘intelligence is overrated‘ and only the cost of entry, it’s the capability of being aware of yourself and others that will make you successful! Continue reading How to be successful