Category Archives: How To

How to be successful

I still remember working over twelve hours a day and 80 hours a week only a couple of years ago to achieve much less that I can accomplish now in less than 3/4 of the time. While I certainly learned to work smarter and be more effective with the growing experience, I do not believe that my IQ changed since then making this huge improvement possible. So what happened?

How to be successful in the hotel industry and move ahead of the competition? It’s a people’s business, and everything comes down to one person respecting and being able to communicate to another, it’s that simple!


Image courtesy of Samuiblue at

While a Bachelor’s or even Master’s degree became a basic requirement for most management positions in hospitality, it doesn’t matter much from that point on in your career how smart you are, if you’re not able to communicate with other people and get them wanting to follow your lead. So what do you think is more important, your intelligence quotient or your emotional (EQ) and moral intelligence (MQ)? I am telling you that ‘intelligence is overrated‘ and only the cost of entry, it’s the capability of being aware of yourself and others that will make you successful! Continue reading How to be successful

How to handle guest complaints

Guest complaints are common, not just in hospitality, and the more comfortable you get dealing with them, the better for you and your customers! Unfortunately practice itself does not always make perfect, only perfect practice does. So while everyone working in a hotel in any guest related position is confronted with tons of complains during their career, not everyone masters the skill of dealing with them effectively.


Four Rooms

So how do you handle complaints and a guest who had a bad experience? Continue reading How to handle guest complaints

How to deliver excellent service

To deliver excellent service, it is not enough to understand how to do it and to have the skills to do so, you need to experience it first.

Working in hotel operations every day we often tend to forget what it means to really empathize with your guests and to put yourself in your guests’ shoes. Everyone knows or has been told a million times that you are supposed to use the guest name at least twice in every guest interaction, if possible, and yet at every hotel I ever worked in, we would always struggle to consistently deliver on this promise. Why is it possible that something as simple as using the guest name can yet be so difficult to do consistently across the hotel at every turn? Continue reading How to deliver excellent service

How did I become a micro-manager?

How did I become a micro-manager?

Yes, without noticing it, wanting or being able to admit to it, I developed to be a micromanager with my first managerial roles. Thankfully I had a mentor that pushed me to see my leadership path for what it was, ineffective.

Well, in order for me to be able to change my leadership style, delegate responsibilities, empower my employees to make their own decisions, grow and learn from their own missteps and successes, I first had to understand how I became a micromanager. I was very successful in my previous positions as line associate, always exceeded expectations, and a perfectionist with great sense for details. So what happened?

I didn’t change my power alley. I didn’t understand that I had to develop and that what got me into the position of a manager wasn’t automatically going to make me an effective leader as well.

I didn’t want to accept that I had to change. Now I understand that everyone needs to make this change at one point, and many never make the jump from (micro-)manager to leader.

Most micro-managers were very successful at one point in their career, and never developed their power alley, never took the risks of making the jump.

Starting to delegate responsibilities and empower employees to make their own decisions (and not asking at every single step of the way for approval) isn’t easy as it comes with accepting and supporting the missteps of your employees along the way. But it will make your team more effective, and enable it to go beyond. Continue reading How did I become a micro-manager?

How to win customers

How to win new customers and turn first time customers into loyal ones is very simple in theory, yet only achieved and maintained by very few in reality.

I believe the three pillars of excellent service that would want you to come back again for more and tell your family and friends about it when experienced to be genuine care, ownership and emotional intelligence.

We know the importance of excellent service and always talk to our employees about the meaning of genuine care, ownership, and understanding the needs of our customer, but too often forget the true power of it. Continue reading How to win customers

How to achieve Harmony

Establishing a harmonic work environment isn’t easy, and I learned that you can only achieve harmony once you stop trying to and worrying too much about it. When I started as a manager a couple of years ago I remember experiencing plenty of conflict every day caused by a changing leadership team, inadequate staffing levels, and unexperienced managers (myself included). It took us about twelve month to get to a setting that allowed us to improve and accomplish greatness as a team. I recall coming to work and I could not believe to experience a day without any conflict, and I clearly remember my hope and concern that it would not last and stay like that… almost to a point that I wished I would be able to avoid any possible conflict only to guarantee this just achieved harmony. But it never worked, I wasn’t able to turn a blind eye either, and the conflict didn’t stop.


Image courtesy of stockimages / Continue reading How to achieve Harmony