You Are The CEO of You!

Congratulations on being the CEO of what should be the most important corporation for you, congratulations on being the CEO of ‘You’! Understanding yourself as a business, that requires planning, investment and exercise is the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling professional and personal ‘career’.


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What’s important to keep in mind as the CEO of ‘Yourself, Inc.’:

  • Be business like! Understand yourself as a business. Just as you would forecast and budget, and set goals for your business, you should make to-do lists and 5 year plans for yourself. And just as you would only hire the best people for your company, surround yourself with good people and stay away from negativity.
  • Think long-term! Just as you would want to make decisions for your business that not only make profit today and tomorrow, but are sustainable and profitable in the long-run, understand that every decision you make, regardless if personal or professional, will have a consequence along the way.
  • Be responsible for your career! Don’t make your next promotion or personal happiness someone else’s responsibility and put yourself in the victim role. Understand that you may not always be able to influence what’s going on around you, but that you always have a choice.
  • Be sure to follow your steps! If you plan to take a certain direction, invest the time that is necessary to accomplish your goals and exercise discipline along the way.

Question: What other things that are important when running a company could apply to you?

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