Tag Archives: online shopping

Is The Customer Still King?

I am all about personalized service and believe that it becomes more and more important if you want your business to remain relevant. I never believed in online shopping until I started shopping at huge department stores like Bloomingdales or Macys. It’s a challenging experience and you feel like that you need to be thankful to receive good and caring service, forget about the customer is king, here it’s the employee who is king and you can trust they make sure that you know by their attitude. I try to avoid asking for help as much as possible and now switched to online shopping just to avoid their customer service.


Is this the future? Are we moving to impersonal online shopping as the quality of service decreases? Continue reading Is The Customer Still King?

Is This The End Of Customer Service?

Do you still remember when online shopping was first introduced or when you were first referred to receive the desired information online rather than from a representative? I still remember being irritated and annoyed by it…

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I recently went to get a new suit at Macy’s as they offer a great variety of products and always good discounts. While the customer service wasn’t bad, I got annoyed as I wasn’t in control of the experience and the representative didn’t lead the dance of the experience either. He seemed too busy taking care of other customers to provide me with the personalized service I was hoping for, and I had the feeling that he wasn’t interested in going beyond of what he felt were his job duties. In comparison I always buy my suit shoes over macys.com and always have the best experience. It’s convenient, fast, and uncomplicated and I never have to deal with any attitude or indifference of an employee. Continue reading Is This The End Of Customer Service?