Tag Archives: guest service

Stop Pointing Fingers and Turn Your Complainers Into Brand Advocates!

No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes! Our guests expect perfect service, and are unforgiving to any service breakdowns, correct?

1541558False, our guests expect perfect service, but do understand that mistakes can happen, and it’s important that we recognize mistakes, when they do happen, as opportunities to get it right. Guests who have a complaint that gets resolved to their satisfaction are more likely to return than the ones that never had a complaint to begin with. It’s because we understand that no one is perfect, and if something goes wrong, we want the service provider to take ownership and turn the experience around to our satisfaction. Continue reading Stop Pointing Fingers and Turn Your Complainers Into Brand Advocates!

What Luxury Hotels Need To Change To Stay Relevant

Times are changing and what was a recipe for success only a few years ago doesn’t necessarily attract new customers now. I started my career in hospitality at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna, which is by any definition one of the finest luxury hotels in Europe. The hotel was originally built as a palace and later transformed to one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. I was fascinated by the expensive silverware, the elegant design of the furniture, the fine craftmanship of the hotel, the high standard of service and dedication, and the luxury that was displayed in every little detail of the hotel experience…

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Hotel Imperial Vienna

Continue reading What Luxury Hotels Need To Change To Stay Relevant

The Key to Prevent Most Guest Complaints

Most guest complaints can easily be prevented by managing expectations. I remember working the overnight shift as a butler being responsible for the guest and housekeeping services in the entire hotel all by myself during a sold out night receiving one guest request after another within only a few minutes… and of course everything was an emergency and had to happen right NOW.


Image courtesy of noomhh at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Having to wait ten minutes for a an extra pillow or blanket during the day can still be considered prompt service, but at 2 am in the morning when you are tired and have to get up early in the morning for an important meeting ten minutes can feel like an eternity… and it’s even worse when you don’t even know how long you have to wait. Continue reading The Key to Prevent Most Guest Complaints