Tag Archives: customer complaints

Stop Pointing Fingers and Turn Your Complainers Into Brand Advocates!

No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes! Our guests expect perfect service, and are unforgiving to any service breakdowns, correct?

1541558False, our guests expect perfect service, but do understand that mistakes can happen, and it’s important that we recognize mistakes, when they do happen, as opportunities to get it right. Guests who have a complaint that gets resolved to their satisfaction are more likely to return than the ones that never had a complaint to begin with. It’s because we understand that no one is perfect, and if something goes wrong, we want the service provider to take ownership and turn the experience around to our satisfaction. Continue reading Stop Pointing Fingers and Turn Your Complainers Into Brand Advocates!

As Middle Managers We Are Great at Filtering Reality

You’re doing a great job in putting out those fires every day and in running around saving the world. You look good in front of your bosses because whenever you’re on duty they don’t hear about any guest complaints or service breakdowns. In the eyes of your bosses operations are doing well and everything seems to be running as smooth as it possibly could thanks to you, and when asked if all is under control, you would simply smile and nod. But bottom line is that you’re only doing a great job at filtering reality!



….and without even noticing or wanting it you are seriously damaging your organization! Continue reading As Middle Managers We Are Great at Filtering Reality