If You Want to Grow Fast, Step Out of Your Bubble!

Your bubble is your worst enemy! I am talking about your bubble of comfort, or simply put your comfort zone.


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This is the place that you feel most comfortable, and it’s the area where you know exactly what to do and what not to – chances for you to make mistakes are very small, if you just remain there!

But if you don’t make any mistakes or fail from time to time, you’ll never be able to grow and reach your potential, and after some time, your job or assignment will turn pretty boring. So your goal should be to step out of your bubble whenever possible and to try something new. And there is no place easier to do exactly this than working in a hotel! Being able to make that step out of your bubble, and leave yourself vulnerable to not be perfect and risk making a mistake will help you grow your personality and strengthen your character. And by the way making a mistake and admitting to it, will only enhance your credibility and integrity.

Now it’s easer said than done… what do I have to do to get out of my bubble? You ask your boss for new projects or if you can assist with a current one. Let her know, that you are interested in growing and learning new things. There are millions of opportunities every day, but it’s your responsibility to get yourself involved and ask questions. Very rarely you’ll be lucky enough to have a boss that will push you to try new things and out of your comfort zone, and who will focus on your growth, because it takes efforts on her part.

Your opinion about things that you believe to be right and true today, will change over years while gaining more experience down the road, and you can consider yourself lucky having someone around you who pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and to question the status quo.

Question: How do you feel about stepping out of your comfort zone?

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