How To Make Feedback Effective

Giving and receiving feedback can be a gift, as it can help you build or strengthen a relationship, if done right, or it can damage a relation, or be career hindering and de-motivating.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Concerns with giving & receiving feedback:

When receiving feedback our potential concerns are that we fear criticism or our reaction to feedback and that we are nervous about having to hear something that might make us feel uncomfortable. When giving feedback we could fear that we hurt the other person’s feelings or that the other person might get defensive… and just like when receiving feedback, we could be nervous about giving it. Continue reading How To Make Feedback Effective

You Are The CEO of You!

Congratulations on being the CEO of what should be the most important corporation for you, congratulations on being the CEO of ‘You’! Understanding yourself as a business, that requires planning, investment and exercise is the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling professional and personal ‘career’.


Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

What’s important to keep in mind as the CEO of ‘Yourself, Inc.’: Continue reading You Are The CEO of You!

212° the extra degree

At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, water starts boiling. With boiling water comes steam, and with steam you can power a locomotive. It is that one extra degree that makes all the difference, and it is that one extra degree that separates the good from the great!


Image courtesy of Victor Habbick at

How often did you have the feeling of frustration and lost motivation because you couldn’t seem to achieve your goals, and that no matter how much efforts you put in and how hard you tried, nothing was going to change? … chances are that you were sitting right at 211 degrees, and all it would have taken for you to succeed was that one extra degree.

Much too often we give up right before that moment when we would have accomplished everything what we strived for, and we just needed to keep trying. If you want to get ahead, become great at what you do and be successful in achieving your goals you’ll need to keep going when it seems to be the toughest and not turn around.

The 30 most important minutes of your day

It’s your 30 minutes lunch break! You either believed it to be an interruption of your day as you had so much work to be done, or the highlight as you were able to step out of your busy day for a moment to take a deep breath!


Image courtesy of sirikul at

But one way or the other, it turns out that you were wrong. Talking to my dear friend McKinley the other day, who follows this blog loyally from the beginning, and listening to him talking about the importance of not only never sitting alone while having lunch in the staff canteen, but also making a point of always sitting with different people, and use this half an hour to connect with people and build or strengthen relationships, opened my eyes. Continue reading The 30 most important minutes of your day

5 Benefits of Effective Complaint Management

Things go wrong all the time and when they do, it’s important to recognize and fix the problem, to follow-up with everyone involved and learn from it so it doesn’t happen again and again. That’s easier said than done since most managers prefer to keep themselves busy by putting out fires and look like heroes, rather than to face the real challenges, the root causes of the fires, and to make the tough decisions that would really change things to the better. But one way or the other customer complaints are unavoidable and depending on how effectively your team manages them it will make or break your organization.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Besides the obvious benefit of having a problem temporarily go away and the pain that comes with it, and turning an upset customer into a happy one, the 5 main benefits of effective complaint management are:

  1. It creates a customer focused culture. Having your team understand the true value of every guest who is walking through your doors is fundamental for the success and long-term profitability of your business. Understanding that a guest is not an interruption of your work, but the reason that you have a job is crucial.
  2. It reduces the operational cost. Effectively managing a complaint and ensuring that the guest is satisfied with your service recovery, will reduce your expenses and cost in the long-rung, as you may otherwise end up having to reimburse more than necessary to keep the guest from talking bad about your business.
  3. It reduces the cost of winning new customers and increases customer loyalty. The return rate of a guest that was satisfied with his or her stay at your hotel is less than the one who experienced a problem at your hotel that was solved to his satisfaction. Why? … simply because your customers know that things can go wrong, but it’s important that when they do, that they can trust your organization to take ownership and get it right.
  4. It reduces any brand and market damage. Solving a guest complaint to the customers satisfaction not yours, hopefully stops your client from talking bad about your business or commenting negatively about the service experience on social media.
  5. It enhances the customer experience and increases sales and profitability. A happy guest as a result of effective complaint management will spend more at your hotel, stay longer and more often. Even more importantly a happy guest will tell his or her friends about it and act as a brand advocate.

Question: Can you think of any other examples of effective complaint management?

The 7 Deadly Sins Of Complaint Management

Getting a guest complaint is always an opportunity to turn an unsatisfied customer into a loyal advocate of your business. Understanding the value of focusing on training your employees on how to handle guest complaints and effectively manage guest expectations to prevent complaints from occurring in the first place does not only boost a customer focused environment, it also fosters a winning culture.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

While we hopefully always have the best intentions in mind when dealing with an upset customer, the outcome may not always be positive. Better understanding the 7 deadly sins of complaint management will help us to be more conscious of the do’s and do not’s when facing an angry customer the next time. Continue reading The 7 Deadly Sins Of Complaint Management

If You Want Your Business to Improve, Do It the P&G Way!

Are you just pretending that you want to know what’s wrong in your business that you can improve it, or do you really want to hear the hurtful truth and are ready to make the uncomfortable decisions that are necessary?


Image courtesy of nokhook_buchachon at

Either your managers are conducting superficial meetings pretending that they want to learn what’s wrong in their business so that they can learn from it and fix it, or they really want to know what’s wrong but their middle managers are filtering reality and telling them only what they want to hear so they can look good in front of their bosses. Either way any necessary progress and healthy change is being made impossible. Continue reading If You Want Your Business to Improve, Do It the P&G Way!

3 Reasons You Should Start Your Own Blog Today

Publishing your own blog or website as in or couldn’t be any easier and if you’re interested in getting started within only 15 minutes just click on the image below.

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The 3 main reasons why you should start your own blog today are:

  1. Your own blog gives you a platform to share your ideas and expertise with others. In sharing your knowledge and in providing useful suggestions you can help others grow and develop and this feeling is incredibly fulfilling and enriching.
  2. You broaden your audience and with it your influence. Your own blog or platform literally enables you to share your opinions and thoughts with the entire world.
  3. You continue to grow. Maintaining your own blog is a lot of work and requires you to constantly stay updated with what’s new in your field of expertise.

I am sure you’ll find your own reasons to start a blog and hopefully will find it as enriching as I do.


Who Else Wants to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Hospitality?

Is work-life balance a loanword in hospitality?


Image courtesy by Stuart Miles at

I took me about eight years to understand the importance of work-life balance in hospitality and that it’s not just a myth. Continue reading Who Else Wants to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Hospitality?

Do you know what your goals are?

What’s my goal, is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself at the beginning of your journey and your career in hospitality!


Image courtesy of pakorn at

I am recruiting graduates from hotel management schools for the position of housekeeping floor manager now for years, and my experience is that many, if not most, do not have clearly defined goals and are rushed to get promoted as fast as possible, and definitely faster than their peers from school. Continue reading Do you know what your goals are?

How to Make the Most Out of Your Review

Getting a review can help you develop and grow or be a complete waste of time for you and your boss.


Image courtesy by Jeroen van Oostrom at

I remember getting my first reviews and I was eager to receive ‘exceed expectations’ for every single one of them without understanding the true importance of it. I must have received over ten excellent reviews since the beginning of my career until about four years ago when my boss at that time gave me a ‘met expectations’ only on my review, and went on to tell me that he believes in me and wants to help me to get better. He tried to explain to me the true value of a good review and that it’s not just a process for him. Continue reading How to Make the Most Out of Your Review

8 Reasons Why You Should Start Cross-Training Now

You’re conducting the daily pre-shift meetings and your employees cannot stop complaining about the other departments and venting their frustrations. You feel that the lack of trust between your departments makes progress and greatness impossible. No matter how well you’re trying to explain how the other departments work and what their challenges are, your employees don’t want to hear you.


If this sounds familiar to you, cross-training is the right solution for you! Continue reading 8 Reasons Why You Should Start Cross-Training Now

What’s all the Fuss about Leadership anyway?

Everyone is talking about leadership, and how we need to evolve from managers to leaders, but only few really get the difference! It’s a beautiful word and the thought of leading people is very appealing, but how can you make the step from managing to leading? And how can you get people wanting to follow you?



Image courtesy by stockimages at Continue reading What’s all the Fuss about Leadership anyway?

Who Else Wants to Know the Secret to Happiness?

Does a truck full of money, a celebrity status, or a designer suit buy you happiness?… and if it does, how long does this moment of happiness last?

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Anyone who says money doesn’t buy happiness should talk to a homeless person, and anyone who says money does buy happiness should talk to Bill Gates! The difference in happiness between a person making 5 k a year, and 50 k a year, is huge, as it is a matter of security and covering the basic needs. The difference in happiness between a person making 50 k a year and 50 million a year is minimal. Money does not buy happiness, but it’s a necessity to cover our basic needs as shelter, food, clothing, medical care and so on. Continue reading Who Else Wants to Know the Secret to Happiness?

If You Want to Grow Fast, Step Out of Your Bubble!

Your bubble is your worst enemy! I am talking about your bubble of comfort, or simply put your comfort zone.


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at

This is the place that you feel most comfortable, and it’s the area where you know exactly what to do and what not to – chances for you to make mistakes are very small, if you just remain there! Continue reading If You Want to Grow Fast, Step Out of Your Bubble!

The Key to Prevent Most Guest Complaints

Most guest complaints can easily be prevented by managing expectations. I remember working the overnight shift as a butler being responsible for the guest and housekeeping services in the entire hotel all by myself during a sold out night receiving one guest request after another within only a few minutes… and of course everything was an emergency and had to happen right NOW.


Image courtesy of noomhh at

Having to wait ten minutes for a an extra pillow or blanket during the day can still be considered prompt service, but at 2 am in the morning when you are tired and have to get up early in the morning for an important meeting ten minutes can feel like an eternity… and it’s even worse when you don’t even know how long you have to wait. Continue reading The Key to Prevent Most Guest Complaints

Tell your story!

Tell your story is one of my favorite lessons in leadership. I have been working now in four different hotels over the last eight years, and the last three in New York. Prior to that I believed it to be important to get as much experience as I could in as many different hotels and locations as possible, and worked in hotels in Europe and Asia.

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About two years ago, a job opportunity in another hotel abroad opened up. It was an opening of a luxury hotel brand and intended to be the flagship of this region. I was offered a higher title and a better salary. I fully believed that this would be the right choice for me, to move on, and open up a new hotel abroad. No one could convince me otherwise at this point… Continue reading Tell your story!

How to Lead through a Natural Catastrophe

… and how to get your department ready to battle a hurricane

Since I started working in New York City in my current role as assistant executive housekeeper, I had to experience several snow storms, and hurricane Irene and Sandy. While Sandy was the most devastating storm yet, our housekeeping department was able to continue delivering smooth and flawless service, and no service limitations were necessary.

Park Hyatt NY & dangling crane

Crane dangling at Park Hyatt NY during Hurricane Sandy

The game plan to battle a hurricane, can be divided into three parts, the preparation immediately before the storm, the time during the hurricane, and the clean-up afterwards. Learning how to maneuver in a crisis comes from experiences of similar situations in the past. I remember the snow blizzard that hit New York City in December 2010 vividly, and how I started my shift at 6 am in the morning with only picking up the phones and taking sick calls for about 30 minutes. Once we had about 30 employees calling out for their shift as they had simply no way to come to work, I learned how people can pull together beyond any differences and arguments that usually separate them and make the impossible possible. We were able to clean all rooms that day without any service delays, with having butlers, houseman, supervisors, dispatchers and managers cleaning and inspecting rooms. While it is a memorable experience, and I love to tell this story (over and over again), I also learned that there is a much smarter way to cope with a crisis like this. Continue reading How to Lead through a Natural Catastrophe

How to Launch your own Blog in 15 Minutes

Starting your own blog is an opportunity for you to follow your passion, to share it with others and to influence your readers. It has never been easier to launch your own blog or website and the best thing about it is that you don’t even need to have any technical expertise or knowledge… you only need to allow 15 minutes of your time. Continue reading How to Launch your own Blog in 15 Minutes

Why would anyone pursue a career in hotel management?

Why pursue a career in hotel management? Is this the right profession for me?

If you’re asking yourself these questions and are yet undecided, if a career in hospitality is the right choice for you, I hope you’ll find this helpful in making your decision.


Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at

If you’re looking for becoming a millionaire, working regular hours, having every weekend off, or for a healthy work-life balance, chances are that this is not the right business for you! Continue reading Why would anyone pursue a career in hotel management?